11. Creating a Custom Account Template
Each PERS-4200 Console installation requires an Account Template.
While many items are the same in different Consoles reporting to
the same Central Station, some items (account number, customer
information, & sensor information) are unique for each installation.
A custom Account Template is created by editing the default Account
Template included with the RA4200 software. The customized template
should then be saved with a unique name for the account and then sent
to the PERS-4200 Console.
Account Template Management
Account templates that are created get stored on the programming PC
or onto a server or cloud storage. These account template fi les should
be named referencing the subscriber, customer ID number, or other
identifi cation that will make it easy to link each fi le with an installation.
Keep these fi les in a safe location. If a fi le is lost or deleted, it can be
recreated by retrieving the programmed information from an already
programmed Console, although the data on the Customer tab will be lost
and have to be reentered.
11.1 Customer Tab
The customer tab displays fi ll-in fi elds for details of the subscriber’s
information for the specifi c PERS-4200 installation.
✓ NOTE: All fi elds are optional and do not have to be fi lled in. This
information is for PERS provider account reference and is not sent to
the Console.
Customer ID
Enter a unique identifi er in the CUSTOMER ID fi ll-in fi eld for the installation.
(The Customer ID is different from the communicator’s account number).
Customer Name
Enter the subscribers fi rst, middle, and last name in the three fi ll-in fi elds.
Customer Address 1 & 2
Enter the subscribers primary street, city, state, and zip code in the four
fi ll-in fi elds. Four additional fi ll-in fi elds are provided for a secondary
Telephone Numbers
Three fi ll-in fi elds for telephone numbers are provided. Enter the Console
telephone number and up to two additional telephone numbers for the
Enter any special or additional information about the subscriber in the
NOTES fi ll-in fi eld.
RA4200 Customer Tab