7. Operation
7.6 Objectives
The objective must be moved manually into the
light path. Be sure that the nosepiece turret
locks into place.
The objective’s position in the turret is factory-
set and must be adhered to while screwing in
the objectives (see Objective Assembly → p. 19)
When you rotate the objective into position, the
automatically recognizes:
• the selected contrast method
• the optimal settings for field and aperture
• the optimal condenser setting
The objective magnification and the total magni-
fication appear in the display → p. 35.
• Start with a small level of magnification. Then
switch to the next higher objective.
• For immersion objectives use the appropriate
immersion medium.
OIL: only use optical immersion oil
according to DIN/ISO standards.
Cleaning → p. 65.
W: Water immersion.
IMM: Universal objective for water, glycerol,
oil immersion.
Follow safety instructions for immersion oil!