Pump weight
• 515 pump: approximately 100 grams (with battery installed).
• 715 pump: approximately 108 grams (with battery installed).
Remote control
Uses radio signals to allow users to program Normal boluses or to suspend/resume their pumps.
• The user-filled reservoir is made from impact-resistant, insulin-compatible polypropylene.
• 515 Pump volume: up to 176 units of U100 insulin
• 715 Pump volume: up to 300 units of U100 insulin
Square Wave bolus
Delivers bolus insulin over a duration of 30 minutes up to 8 hours (limited by the max bolus setting).
Temporary (temp) basal rate
Allows you to temporarily change the current basal rate for a duration of 30 minutes up to 24 hours (limited by
maximum basal setting). The temp basal rate can be set to either Percent of basal or Insulin rate.
Time and date screen
12-hour or 24-hour formats. Pump users set the time/date, including the year, month and day. The date is included
in the STATUS screen. Time always appears on the top of the screen.
Environmental conditions
• Pump operating temperature range: from 37°F (3°C) to 104°F (40°C)
• Air pressure range: from 700 hPa to 1060 hPa (from 10.2 psi to 15.4 psi)
• Operating humidity range inside the case: from 20% to 90% per EN 60601-1 2-24, Section 10.2.1c.
146 Pump specifications