Monitoring the ReadiVoice System
Proprietary & Confidential 79
— How long the operator spent on the request (talking with the
subscriber or conference).
— Subscriber ID for the conference in question. Click the ID to retrieve a
conference report for that subscriber.
— Conference ID of the conference. Click the ID to retrieve a detailed
report for that conference.
Figure 3-9 Results of operator request search
Viewing Operator Request Statistics
1 In the Operator Statistics page navigation bar, click View Statistics.
The Statistics page appears. It looks similar to the Requests page
(Figure 3-7) and has the same three options in the navigation bar (For All
Operators, For Specific Operator, and For Specific Subscriber).
2 In the navigation bar, click the link that corresponds with the statistics
you want to generate.
The Statistics Search page displays search fields that vary slightly
depending on the choice you made. Figure 3-10 shows the search fields
that appear when you choose For All Operators.
3 If you chose For Specific Operator or For Specific Subscriber, select the
operator from the list or enter the subscriber’s ID (if you don’t know the
subscriber’s ID, click the Search link to its right to search for the