ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
24 Proprietary & Confidential
6 Click the Add button.
The system assigns the translation numbers to the bridge. For a large
block, this may take several minutes. When finished, it confirms that the
translation numbers have been added and provides a link back to the
Translation Numbers page.
7 Click the link to return to the Translation Numbers page.
The new row appears in the list. A blank row below lets you add
additional blocks of numbers.
Repeat the above procedure to add another block of numbers.
Changing the Translation Numbers Assigned to a Bridge
1 In the navigation bar, click Bridges.
The Bridges page appears (Figure 2-3 on page 20).
2 Find the bridge whose translation numbers you want to change and click
its Translations link.
The Translation Numbers page appears (Figure 2-4 on page 23). It
contains a row for each block of contiguous translation numbers assigned
to the bridge.
3 To change a block of translation numbers, edit the fields that need to be
changed and click the row’s Commit button (blue “c”).
The system implements the changes you made. Depending on the extent
of the change, this may take several minutes. When finished, it confirms
the change.
4 To remove a block of translation numbers, click the row’s Delete button
(red “–”).
The system confirms the change.