ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
16 Proprietary & Confidential
Opening ReadiVoice System Administration
You can access the ReadiVoice System Administration interface from any
computer that can connect to the ReadiVoice system’s Web server and has a
compatible Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.5 or later, is
compatible with all ReadiVoice interfaces).
Access is restricted to authorized users. You must know the correct user name
and password.
To access the System Administration pages:
1 Do one of the following:
— Point your browser to the internal user home page (for example,
http://www.rvoice.com/index2.html). Then click the System
Administration link in the navigation bar on the right.
— Point your browser directly to the System Administration page (for
The System Administration home page appears (Figure 2-1). A
navigation bar on the right provides links to pages for performing various
administrative functions.
2 In the navigation bar, under the System Administration heading, click
the link for the function you want.
All the System Administration links are restricted to authorized users. If
you aren’t already logged in as an authorized user, a login dialog box
appears (Figure 2-2).