ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
42 Proprietary & Confidential
Deleting an Access Phone Number
Before you delete an access phone number, keep the following points in mind:
• Access phone number changes require telephone network changes to
ensure that calls are routed properly.
• You can’t delete an access phone number that has subscribers assigned to
it. First, reassign the subscribers to another access number. See
“Reassigning an Access Phone Number’s Subscribers” on page 38.
To delete an access phone number:
1 In the navigation bar, click Access Numbers.
The Access Phone Numbers page appears (Figure 2-10 on page 36).
2 In the Search panel, enter criteria to retrieve the access number that you
want to delete. Then click the Search button.
The access numbers that match your search criteria appear at the bottom
of the page in the Numbers panel (Figure 2-11).
3 Confirm that the access number you want to delete is listed and has no
subscribers assigned to it (Used is set to No).
If the Used field is set to Yes, click that word to see a list of the number’s
subscribers (Figure 2-13). You can reassign them with the procedure on
page 40 or, if there are only one or two, open and edit them manually.
4 Click the Delete button (red “–”) of the number you want to delete.
The system confirms that the number has been deleted and provides a link
back to the Access Phone Numbers page.
5 Click the link to reload the Access Phone Numbers page.
Repeat the above procedure to delete another access phone number.