Proprietary & Confidential 277
troubleshooting 147
dbMon.pl 147, 148
defunct processes 104
access class 34
access phone number 42
bridge 21
bridge group 26
internal user 66
invalid subscriber passwords 67
number group 32
prompt set 168
provider 46
routing list 29
subscriber group 59
df -k 103
call flow 13
ReadiVoice system 6
signaling flow 8
Dial Out Permission 56
Dial Out Postfix 56
Dial Out Prefix 56
dial-in testing 149, 152
Dial-Out Billing configuration 126
Dial-Out Callflow, Shortened 124
dial-out testing 149
disk space
Informix 99
Solaris 103
DNIS, welcome on 169
conventions xvi
introduction xv
purpose xv
downgrade 115
DTMF commands 2
customizing 155
DTMF-initiated changes, updating 128
Edit Group page 48
Edit Routing List page 28
provider 45
subscriber group 48
email notification 132
Entry/Exit Announcement 55
extender, music hold 130, 187
file system, checking 103
default prompt set 182
indexed WAVE 171
initial greeting 181
Fixed Access 5
fixed translation number 120
fixed translation number with 3-digit code 120
GetAccOptChanges 128
Global Services xvii
greetings, custom 169
greetings, initial 181
group information fields 49
group operator 64
groups, subscriber 46
heart beat 19
hidden numbers, changing 41
histogram log file 270
hold extender message 130, 187
indexed WAVE files 171
archives 93
backup 93
checking logical logging 100
checking users 99
dbspace 99
logical logs 94, 96
manual backup 115
restoring from manual backup 116
tables, CDR data 252
Intelligent Network Call Routing (INCR) 5
interfaces, overview of 3
internal users 3
interval, heart beat 19
to guide xv
to ReadiVoice system 1
Invalid Subscriber Password Table page 67
invalid subscriber passwords 66
call processing 10
configurations 9