Configuring the ReadiVoice System
Proprietary & Confidential 129
4 As root, stop and restart the ReadiVoice system as described in “Stopping
and Restarting ReadiVoice Processes” on page 111.
5 Use the
stored procedure to retrieve records from the
table periodically. To determine how frequently to call
this stored procedure, balance your need for up-to-date account options
data with other demands on your database and ReadiVoice system.
6 Test the system to make sure the
stored procedure
purge script are running properly. Verify
that account options updates are being:
— Written to the
— Retrieved by the stored procedure.
— Purged by the purge script.
If any of these elements is not running properly, disable this feature
immediately by repeating steps 3 and 4, but this time setting the
variable to zero. Then, troubleshoot your
implementation of this configuration.
If you enable the Account Options Updating feature, continue to monitor the
AccOptChanges table as part of your regular ReadiVoice database maintenance
routine to make sure the GetAccOptChanges stored procedure and
cleanAccOptChanges.pl purge script are running properly. If left unmanaged, the
AccOptChanges table could slow down database operations and hinder
ReadiVoice performance.