ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
78 Proprietary & Confidential
Figure 3-7 The Operator Statistics Requests page
Figure 3-8 Searching for operator requests by subscriber
5 Set the Begin Date and End Date fields by doing one of the following:
— Click in the field and edit the date.
— Click the field’s calendar icon and click a date in the calendar that
Regardless of which dates you choose, records are only available for the
past 31 days and aren’t available for the current day (the system collects
the day’s data at midnight).
6 Click the Search button.
The ReadiVoice system displays the answered requests matching your
search criteria. For each request, it shows:
— Type of operator request (private or conference).
— Date and time the request was made.
— Operator ID of the operator who answered the request.
— How long it took an operator to answer the request.