
Voice Prompts and Call Flows
Proprietary & Confidential 205
Call Flow Diagrams
The following pages contain call flow diagrams for the ReadiVoice system.
Figure A-2 provides a legend that explains some of the symbols and
conventions used in the diagrams.
The diagrams themselves are arranged into several groups or categories, as
listed in Table A-2 below.
Table A-2 Guide to call flow diagrams
Category Figures Description
Initial Inbound Call
A-3A-8 Initial inbound call processing for different call flow configurations.
During this processing, the system identifies the caller’s conference
and determines whether the caller is the subscriber or a participant.
Dial-out (Outbound)
Call Flows
A-9A-13 Processes related to dial-out, including dial-out to a recording device.
Subscriber and
Participant Call Flows
A-14A-22 Subscriber and participant call flows after the initial entry processing
and some of the subprocesses within these call flows.
Subscriber Account
Options Processes
A-23A-32 Processes related to the subscriber’s account options menu and the
settings available from it.
A-33A-46 Processes related to in-conference actions by the subscriber,
participants, or moderator, plus the system’s conference termination
process and other in-conference events.