ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
88 Proprietary & Confidential
Figure 3-18 Applet window with details for the selected card
4 To see additional information about a span, click its status indicator in the
card window.
Another applet window appears, displaying configuration and status
details for the selected span (Figure 3-19). The buttons on the right let you
change the span’s status:
Hard Span Disable — Takes the span out of service.
Enable Span — Restores a disabled span to service. This takes some time
(typically, about 30 seconds).
Put Into Blue Alarm — Busies out the span.
Put Into Green Alarm — Restores a busied-out span to service. This takes
some time (typically, about 30 seconds).
Close — Closes the applet window for the span.
Disabling a span or putting it into blue alarm immediately hooks all channels on that