Administering the ReadiVoice System
Proprietary & Confidential 19
4 In the Add Bridge section at the bottom, complete the following fields:
Reserve Ports — Enter the number of ports you want to reserve for
operator voice paths. These ports are not available for conferencing.
Trans DNIS Length — For IP systems, this is the number of digits in each
translation number. For PSTN systems, enter the number of DNIS (dialed
number identification service) digits the network delivers to the bridge. If
the network delivers non-delimited or single-delimited ANI/DNIS, the
file also specifies a DNIS length, and the setting here must match
that one.
Depending on the system’s translation number type (see “Changing
System Configuration Settings” on page 118), one of the following may
also apply:
— If Translation Number Type is set to Random Translation Number,
the number of digits must exactly equal the length of the translation
numbers (not including the prefix, if any) assigned to the bridge (see
“Working with Translation Numbers” on page 22). To change Trans
DNIS Length to a different length, remove the translation numbers
— If Translation Number Type is set to Fixed Translation Number, the
number of digits must exactly equal the number of digits in each
field. If you change Trans DNIS Length to a
different length, a warning message tells you that you must update
your subscribers’ external IDs.
— If Translation Number Type is set to Fixed Translation Number with
3-digit code, the number of digits must be exactly three more than the
number of digits in each subscriber’s
field. If you change
Trans DNIS Length to a different length, a warning message tells you
that you must update your subscribers’ external IDs.
Hrt Beat Interval — Enter the interval (in seconds) between heartbeat
messages from the bridge to the Conference Allocation and Control
System (CACS) server. The heartbeat message confirms that the bridge is
available and can communicate with the server. One second is generally
considered a reasonable interval.
Max Missed Hrt Beats — Enter the number of heartbeats that the CACS
can fail to receive before triggering an alarm. Eight is generally considered
a reasonable number.
Bridge Status — Select Busyout to hold the bridge back from use until
you’ve completed the bridge configuration.
5 Click Add Bridge.
The system provides a link to the Translation Numbers page.
6 Click the link, and then add translation numbers to the bridge as
described on page 23.
The system confirms that the translation numbers have been added.