
Enabled Link Group channels are linked independently and in addition to selected
Enabling a channel Select for a channel in a link group has no effect on the channel
Select for other channels in the link group.
A dark blue (light blue) background on link group channels indicates they are individually
Isolate Linking Behavior:
This setting determines whether isolated channels are affected by changes made to channels
to which they are linked:
Isolated channels will not be included when linking from another channel
Control changes that would normally replicate among linked channels will not affect
any isolated channels in the link group.
Isolated channels will be included when linking from another channel
Control changes made to a linked channel will affect isolated channels in the link group.
Global Galileo Select-Linking Mode:
This setting determines how control changes are propagated across a set of selected,
linked Galileo units.
Connected Galileo units listed on the Galileos page can be linked to one another by
activating their Select buttons and assigning them the same ID group. Control value
changes on one Galileo channel will then be copied to the same controls of other units.
All selected channels on selected Galileos are globally linked
Changes made to a selected channel on the active Galileo will be replicated in all
selected, non-isolated channels on the linked Galileos. If the selected channel on the
active Galileo is isolated, its changes are not propagated. Channel links on the active
Galileo do not propagate their changes.
A light green bar across the top of the Galileo tab indicates the Galileos are linked in
all selected channels mode. On the Galileos page, enabled Select buttons will be
bright green in color.