
About this Document
Compassprovides an intuitive interface to the Galileo616 loudspeaker management system.
Galileo is a fully digital matrix processor providing 96 kHz/32 bit resolution signal processing
for six inputs and sixteen outputs.
Galileo may be directly connected to the SIM® 3 audio analyzer, providing complete
measurement as well as control for complex audio systems. The Galileo loudspeaker
management system with the Compass control software fulfills all of the necessarysignal routing
and processing between the console and the amplifier/loudspeaker.
Compass provides snapshot capturing of Galileo control values, allowing you to design
numerous sound processing configurations, each specific to a particular use of a venue and
subsequently available for recall at any time. Numerous snapshots may be saved as a project
to a workstation or laptop computer, providing backup and restoration capability, and another
level of organization.
Galileo and Compass are professional audio hardware and software. Users of the system are
sound design professionals with an understanding of sound design theory, signal equalization
design, atmospheric correction, signal delay design, and matrix mixing. This manual does not
teach sound design theory and practice.
The Galileo hardware is presumed to have been correctly installed and configured. In particular,
the Galileo must be configured with an IP address before running Compass. This process is
detailed in the Galileo Hardware Reference Manual.
Users of Compass software are assumed to be experienced computer users. Inexperienced
computer users may wish to read the Document Conventions (p. x) section, below, to become
familiar with the terminology used in describing the user interface. Inexperienced computer
users are also advised to read the operating system user manual that came with their system.