
Clear Selected Channels on Galileo Switching
Compass normally retains channel selects for each Galileo page, so that when you return to a
page the previously-selected channels are still selected. If you prefer to have channel selects
automatically cleared when leaving a Galileo page:
From Channel Linking and Select Options, enable De-select all channels when the
active Galileo tab changes.
Change Linked Gain Controls by Relative Amounts
When you set a new value in a gain control on a selected channel, the default behavior is to
change the value of all linked channels to that same value (absolutemode: changing a -10 dB
control to -8 dB sets the linked gain controls to -8 dB). If you would rather have the other
channels changed by the same amount (relative mode: increasing a -10 dB control to -8 dB
increases linked gain controls by +2 dB):
From Gain Control Linking Mode, enable Linked Channel Gain changes are relative
by default, use ALT for absolute.
Include Isolated Channels in Channel Linking
Value changes propagated through channel linking skip isolated channels by default. If youd
rather the (selected) isolated channels were included:
From Isolate Linking Behavior, enable Isolated channels will be included when linking
from another channel.
Configuring Audio Inputs and Outputs
Each Galileo 616 unit can receive six channels of audio input signal and send sixteen channels
of output signal. The Galileo 616 can accept the line level output of most mixing consoles and
can directly drive Meyer Sound self-powered loudspeakers to full output.