
Click outside the center of an encoder before dragging to change values less rapidly.
Setting Frequency Values
When typing a frequency value, the values 1500, 1.5k, and 1k5 are equivalent.
Tabbing Between Input Boxes
The Tabkey will jump the input cursor from input box to input box. This can make it remarkably
quick and easy to configure controls; on the Input Masters page, for example, one can tap
Tab, Tab to jump from channel name box to channel name box (skipping the value box),
renaming them en masse without ones hands leaving the keyboard.
Tabbing Between All Controls
The Tab key can be configured to allow keyboard control of buttons as well as input boxes.
By default, tab jumps only to value input boxes; to change this behavior to include buttons:
Select the Compass > Compass Preferences page and clear Disable Keyboard Control
of Buttons.
Reset to Default
To reset a value box to its default, type (asterisk).
A thousand levels of Undo are available.
To undo a change, press Cmd+Z.
To redo a change after undoing it, press Shift+Cmd+Z .
Setting Compass and Channel Preferences
The visual appearance of Compass and many of its default behaviors can be configured to suit
your preferences. See Compass Tab (p. 71) for complete details.
Unless stated otherwise, the following preference settings are found on the Compass >
Compass Preferences and Compass > Channel Linking Preferences pages.