
This manual comprises the following chapters:
Start Here (p. 1) provides details regarding installation of Compass, and how to connect
to and simulate connection to a Galileo 616 system.
Compass Overview (p. 9) discusses Galileos capabilities, explains how various
components of the Compass user interface are used, and provides an example of a typical
Compass/Galileo project work flow.
The Using Compass Tools (p. 23) provides usage examples for all common tasks and all
major Compass components.
The User Interface Reference (p. 71) provides a detailed summary of all Compass graphic
interface components, capabilities, and side-effects.
Appendices and a comprehensive index round out the manual.
Related Documentation
For setup, maintenance, and technical information regarding the Galileo 616 please consult the
Galileo Hardware Reference Manual.
Documentation Updates
Meyer Sound welcomes customer input regarding its end-user manuals. Please see Technical
Support (p. xvii) for contact details and information on accessing the latest edition of the manual.
Document Conventions
Compass offers night and day color modes. When the color of a user interface element
changes dependent on mode, the night color is listed first and the day color follows in
parentheses, i.e. the row will have a dark green (light green) background.