
When using the keyboard, use Alt+Enter to set the value after typing it.
The selected control value will be adjusted using the alternative behaviour. See Channel Linking
Preferences (p. 76) for more detail.
Automatic Negative Gain Values
When typing a value in a gain value input box the default behavior for Compass is to assume
the value is negative unless preceded by a plus: for example, typing 2 in a gain value box will
set the gain to 2 dB. Type +2 to set the gain to +2 dB. This behavior can be changed; see
User Interface Display and Control Options (p. 72) for details.
Setting Full Attenuation Gain Values
When using the keyboard, type -i, -inf, or a value less than -60 to set gain to full attenuation.
Arithmetic in Gain Value Controls
Gain value boxes support addition and subtraction through the keyboard:
To increase a value by an amount, precede the value with double-plus: for example, typing
++2 in a gain value box will increase the value by two decibels.
To decrease a value by an amount, precede the value with double-minus: for example,
typing --6 in a delay value box will decrease the value by six decibels.
The normal behavior of a gain value box is to accept the value as an absolute: typing +2 in a
gain value box sets the value to 2 dB; typing -6 in a gain value box sets the value to 6 dB.
Rapid Fader Values Changes with the Mouse
Click a numeric value to the right of the fader slider to directly set common integer values.
Click above or below the fader slider to increment or decrement the value.
Fine and Coarse Rotary Encoder Value Changes with the Mouse
Click the center of an encoder before dragging to boost value change speed by a factor
of ten. The pointer will display 10x to indicate values will change rapidly.