Factory Presets
A number of factory presets are available for use with the Output Processing and Summing
Matrix controls. The presets files are located in the Compass/Saved Settings sub-directories.
Compass/Saved Settings/Examples
This directory contains three sample EQ configuration files.
The 600-HP/700-HP .galileoOutputChannel files are loaded by right-clicking [Galileo Unit]
> Output Processing > Channel Settings. These configure equalization on the selected output
The Set TruShaping to LD-2 Array.galileoTruShapingEq file is loaded by right-clicking
[Galileo Unit] > Output Processing > TruShaping. It configures equalization to emulate the
Meyer Sound LD-2 Line Driver.
Compass/Saved Settings/Factory Presets
This directory contains over fifty snapshots that will configure the Galileo for a particular
configuration of loudspeakers, subwoofers, low- and high-pass filtering, and subwoofer polarity;
or combinations of loudspeaker arrays and associated fill speakers. The file names indicate the
file contents.
Of particular note is All Factory Presets.galileoSnapshots, which contains all the individual
snapshots; and Factory Defaults.galileoSnapshots, which will reset all controls to their
These files are loaded by clicking the Load… button on the [Galileo Unit] > Project page.
Compass/Saved Settings/Summing Matrix Presets
This directory contains Summing Matrix configurations. Load them by right-clicking [Galileo
Unit] > Output Processing.
Details for these presets can be found in Using the Summing Matrix (p. 30).