
When cleared, pressing Enter after typing a value sets the value and then places the
cursor at the end of the value.
Show Meter Values
Select to display numeric value read-out to meters. Clear to have analog meters only.
Individual meters can be toggled to show or hide the meter value by using Alt+click on the
meter display.
Startup Galileo Discovery and Connection Options:
These options control the behavior of Compass when it is started:
Find available Galileos on startup
Select to search the primary network for Galileo 616 units when Compass is started,
displaying them on the Galileos tab.
When cleared, Galileos are discovered only when Find Galileos is clicked.
Relaunch and reconnect to previously connected Virtual Galileos on startup
Remembers which Galileo units were being used in Virtual Galileo mode, restarting them
in the same mode the next time Compass is started.
Reconnect to previously connected Galileos on startup
Remembers which Galileo units were connected, restarting them in the same mode the
next time Compass is started.
Default Delay Units
Sets the measurement unit for delay values.
Galileos that are already connected will continue to use the old measurement unit unless
Set All Galileos To Default Units is clicked. Existing delay values will be converted from
the previous measurement unit to the new unit.
Equalization Bypass on System Map is read-only
Disables EQ Enabled/EQ Bypassed buttons on connected Galileo Galileo Map pages.
Enabling and disabling EQ is always available using the Equalization Enabled/Equalization
Bypassed button on the appropriate Processing page.