An element of the window that provides information regarding the
application status. The status bar is typically at the bottom of the
window, oriented horizontally.
Status bar
A control within a window, typically along the right or bottom edge,
with a slider. The slider can be dragged to scroll the contents of the
Scroll bar
window, or the arrows at either end can be clicked to advance the
A control within awindow, typicallyat the bottomright corner, thatcan
be dragged to change the size of the window.
Resize corner
A control within a window which, when clicked, gives a command to
the application,toggles asetting, displaysa pop-upwindow, ordisplays
a menu.
A control which,when clicked,takes ownershipof thekeyboard cursor
and thus allows typed data entry.
Text box / Value box
Some text boxes will accept text, while others accept only numeric
values. Some numeric text boxeshave arrows which canalso be used
to increment or decrement the value.
A control within a window which, when clicked, toggles an indicator.
The indicator is typicallya checkmark, andindicates whether a feature
is enabled or disabled.
Check box
A control within a window which can be dragged to change the value
of the control. The horizontal or vertical position of the control
corresponds to its value.
Slider / Fader
A control within a window which can be dragged to change the value
of the control. The location of the control does not change; rather, its
orientation is changed.
Dial / Encoder
A graphic representation of an application, file, or control.Icon