Copy/Reset All Control Values of an Input or Output Channel
Right-click the channel Select button.
Save and Load file names have the form [file name].galileoInputChannel and
[file name].galileoOutputChannel.
Copy/Reset All Control Values of All Input or Output Channels
Right-click the Input Masters or Output Master page tab.
Save and Load file names have the form [file name].galileoInputSection and
[file name].galileoOutputSection.
Copy/Reset All Control Values of a Galileo I/O Configuration
Right-click the [Galileo Unit] > Settings > Input and Output page tab.
Save and Load file names have the form [file name].galileoInputOutputSettings.
Copy/Reset All Control Values of Galileo System Settings
Right-click the [Galileo Unit] > Settings page tab.
Save and Load file names have the form [file name].galileoSystemSettings.
Copy/Reset All Control Values of an Galileo Unit
Right-click the page tab of the Galileo.
Save and Load file names have the form [file name].galileoDevice.
Saving and Loading Projects and Snapshots
In Compass a snapshot is a saved Galileo configuration that contains all the input, output,
summing matrix, and signal processing values for the unit. A project captures the snapshot
library and device settings. One project at a time may be loaded into a Galileo; that project may