
G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -5-
111100VV OOppeerraattiioonn
FFiigguurree 11..
Typical 110V plug and outlet.
Grounded Outlet Box
Grounding Blade Is
Longest Of the Three Blades
In the event of an electrical short, grounding
reduces the risk of electric shock by providing a
path of least resistance to disperse electric cur-
rent. This tool is equipped with a power cord hav-
ing an equipment-grounding conductor.
FFiigguurree 11..
The outlet must be properly installed
and grounded in accordance with all local codes
and ordinances.
The Model G4000 is wired for 110 volt, single
phase operation only. The
4 HP motor will safely
draw 12 amps at 110V. A 15-amp fuse or circuit
breaker should be used when connecting this
metal lathe. Circuits rated any higher are not ade-
quate to protect the motor.
If you operate this lathe on any circuit that is
already close to its capacity, it might blow a fuse
or trip a circuit breaker. However, if an unusual
load does not exist and a power failure still
occurs, contact a qualified electrician or our ser-
vice department.
Equipment returned to us for service that shows
evidence of being over-fused will be repaired or
replaced totally at the customer’s expense,
regardless of the present warranty status.
If you find it necessary to use an extension cord
with the Model G4000, make sure the cord is
rated Hard Service (grade S) or better. Refer to
the chart in the standard safety instructions to
determine the minimum gauge for the extension
cord. The extension cord must also contain a
ground wire and plug pin. Always repair or
replace extension cords when they become worn
or damaged.
EExxtteennssiioonn CCoorrddss
TThhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt mmuusstt bbee ggrroouunnddeedd.. VVeerriiffyy
tthhaatt aannyy eexxiissttiinngg eelleeccttrriiccaall oouuttlleett aanndd cciirrccuuiitt
yyoouu iinntteenndd ttoo pplluugg iinnttoo iiss aaccttuuaallllyy ggrroouunndd--
eedd.. IIff iitt iiss nnoott,, iitt wwiillll bbee nneecceessssaarryy ttoo rruunn aa
sseeppaarraattee 1122 AA..WW..GG.. ccooppppeerr ggrroouunnddiinngg wwiirree
ffrroomm tthhee oouuttlleett ttoo aa kknnoowwnn ggrroouunndd.. UUnnddeerr
nnoo cciirrccuummssttaanncceess sshhoouulldd tthhee ggrroouunnddiinngg ppiinn
ffrroomm aannyy tthhrreeee--pprroonnggeedd pplluugg bbee rreemmoovveedd..
SSeerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy mmaayy ooccccuurr..