G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -17-
TTeesstt RRuunn
Now that the lathe is securely in place and you’ve
read the safety guidelines, it’s time to give the
machine a test run.
Before starting the machine, make sure the
machine is properly grounded and the Power and
Directional Switch is in the ''OFF'' position.
FFiigguurree 2222..
Inspect the machine to ensure that all hand tools
are out of the way, guards are in place and noth-
ing is impeding the movement of the chuck.
Set the switch to position 2. The chuck should be
turning in a counterclockwise direction. If the
direction is reversed, contact our service depart-
ment for further instruction. If the lathe is running
correctly, take some time to become familiar with
the various controls on the Model G4000. The
controls will be reviewed by location on the
machine, in
SSeeccttiioonn 55..
FFiigguurree 2222..
Power and directional switch.