
-10- G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe
FFiigguurree 33..
Chuck removal bars in place.
Use the chuck removal bars supplied to remove
the 3 or 4-jaw chucks.
FFiigguurree 33..
Use one bar to
hold the spindle stationary, the other to unscrew
the chuck. Turn the chuck counter-clockwise to
To mount one of the standard chucks, line up the
desired chuck (or face plate) with the threaded
spindle. Thread the chuck in place. Take care to
ensure that the threads on both the headstock
and the chuck are clean and free of obstructions
before mounting.
LLiivvee CCeenntteerr
The live center is used to support stock which is
too long to be supported by the chuck alone.
Stock protruding more than three times its diam-
eter should be supported by the live center.
The tailstock barrel and live center have a Morse
taper #2. Before assembling these, insure that
the mating surfaces are “white glove” clean.
These parts will last longer and remain accurate
when properly maintained. Insert the end of the
live center into the tailstock bore until it seats. The
force of a mounted workpiece will fully seat the
When using a live center, the tailstock barrel
should protrude about
2'' and not more than 3''.
SSeeee FFiigguurree 44..
To remove the live center, back the tailstock bar-
rel all the way into the tailstock casting. The live
center will pop out. Be sure to catch it when it
comes out to avoid damaging the tip.
FFiigguurree 44..
Live center installed in tailstock.
NNeevveerr lleeaavvee aa cchhuucckk kkeeyy oorr cchhuucckk rreemmoovvaall
bbaarr iinn tthhee cchhuucckk oorr ssppiinnddllee wwhheenn tthheeyy aarree
nnoott iinn uussee.. IIff tthhee mmaacchhiinnee iiss aacccciiddeennttaallllyy
ssttaarrtteedd wwiitthh tthheessee iinn ppllaaccee,, tthheeyy ccaann
bbeeccoommee pprroojjeeccttiilleess aanndd ccaauussee sseerriioouuss