
-24- G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe
GGeeaarrbbooxx --
Lubrication for the Gearbox is provid-
ed through 4 oil caps. Add a squirt or two of oil
after every three-to-four hours of use.
FFiigguurree 3388..
Your Model G4000 will function best when it is
clean and well lubricated. Take the time to wipe
down and oil the machine after use. We recom-
mend using ISO 68 or SAE 20W non-detergent
oil unless otherwise specified.
- Apply lubrication to the apron through
the ball fitting on the front face of the apron.
FFiigguurree 3366..
EExxtteerrnnaall GGeeaarriinngg --
One-to-two squirts of oil into
the oil ball on the gear hubs.
FFiigguurree 3377..
Apply only a minimal amount of oil to the teeth of
the end gears. Avoid getting oil on the belt or pul-
leys when lubricating.
FFiigguurree 3366..
Apron lubrication point.
FFiigguurree 3377..
Oil ball on gear hubs.
FFiigguurree 3388..
Gearbox lubrication caps.
AALLWWAAYYSS ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee eelleeccttrriicc ppoowweerr ttoo
tthhee mmaacchhiinnee bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg.. NNEEVVEERR lluubbrrii--
ccaattee yyoouurr llaatthhee wwhhiillee iitt iiss rruunnnniinngg..
Please note that the large toothed pulley that is to
the left of the gears shown in
FFiigguurree 3377
has an oil
ball on the end of the shaft it is mounted to. Make
sure to apply one-to-two squirts into the oil ball.