FFiigguurree 1166..
Top slide handwheel.
TToopp SSlliiddee HHaannddwwhheeeell --
The Top Slide
Handwheel controls the position of the cutting
tool relative to the workpiece. The top slide is
adjustable for angle as well as longitudinal trav-
el. It can be adjusted a full 360°, if needed. The
graduated scale is adjustable using the same
method as the other handwheels. Angle adjust-
ment is controlled by cap screws in the base of
the top slide.
FFiigguurree 1166..
FFiigguurree 1155..
Cross slide handwheel.
CCrroossss SSlliiddee HHaannddwwhheeeell --
The Cross Slide
Handwheel moves the top slide toward and away
from the work. Turning the dial clockwise moves
the slide toward the workpiece. The graduated
scale can be adjusted using the same method as
the longitudinal scale.
FFiigguurree 1155..
FFiigguurree 1144..
Longitudinal handwheel.
CCaarrrriiaaggee CCoonnttrroollss
The carriage allows the cutting tool to move
along the length of the lathe bed. The cross slide
allows the cutting tool to travel perpendicular to
the bed. The carriage features a top slide which
allows linear movement of the cutting tool at any
preset angle. This section will review the individ-
ual controls on the carriage and provide descrip-
tions of their uses.
LLoonnggiittuuddiinnaall HHaannddwwhheeeell --
The Longitudinal
Handwheel moves the carriage left or right along
the bed. The control is helpful when setting up
the machine for turning or when manual move-
ment is desired during turning operations.
G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe