G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -19-
CCoommppoouunndd GGiibb --
The gib on the top slide is
adjusted by the setscrews at the side of the slide.
As you did with the cross slide, loosen the check
nuts holding the setscrews in place, tighten the
setscrews until excess movement is eliminated
and retighten the check nuts.
FFiigguurree 2255..
FFiigguurree 2255..
Top slide gib adjustment.
FFiigguurree 2266..
Steady rest lock nuts.
SStteeaaddyy//FFoollllooww RReesstt
To adjust the
SStteeaaddyy RReesstt
Loosen the lock nuts.
FFiigguurree 2266..
Open the sliding fingers by loosening the
knurled screws far enough to fit around the
workpiece. Secure the steady rest in posi-
Tighten the knurled screws so that the fin-
gers are snug but not tight against the
workpiece. Tighten the lock nuts.
Lubricate the sliding points with machine
FFoollllooww RReesstt
is setup in the same manner
except that the place of the third finger is taken up
by the tool bit. The follow rest prevents long,
small diameter pieces from flexing under the cut-
ting pressure from the tool bit.
LLoocckk NNuuttss