G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -25-
BBeeaarriinngg PPrreellooaadd
This lathe is shipped from the factory with the
bearing preload already set. If the preload
requires resetting for whatever reason, please
contact our service department for further
MMoottoorr --
The bearings used in the motor are
shielded and lubricated for life.
WWaayyss,, SSlliiddeess --
Apply oil to the ways and slides
after each use. Wipe the ways with a clean rag
prior to lubrication to ensure that no grime is car-
ried along with your lubricant into friction-sensi-
tive areas. Applying oil to the bedways and other
bare metal parts also protect the lathe from rust
and pitting.
LLeeaadd SSccrreeww --
Be sure to lubricate the leadscrew
and the leadscrew bearing at the tailstock end of
the lathe.
FFiigguurree 3399..
TTaaiillssttoocckk --
The tailstock is fitted with one oiling
point. Apply oil each week, or after every five
uses (depending on the frequency of operation).
FFiigguurree 4400..
FFiigguurree 3399..
Leadscrew bearing lubrication point.
FFiigguurree 4400..
Tailstock oiling point.