G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -29-
CCaallccuullaattiinngg RR..PP..MM..’’ss
PPaarrtt DDiiaammeetteerr CCaasstt IIrroonn,, BBrraassss,, SSttaaiinnlleessss SStteeeell AAlluummiinnuumm
SS..FF..PP..MM.. 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800 9900 110000 111100 112200
00..001166'''' 99777799 1122222244 1144666699 1177111144 1199555588 2222000033 2244444488 2266889933 2299333388
00..003311'''' 44889900 66111122 77333344 88555577 99777799 1111000022 1122222244 1133444466 1144666699
00..006622'''' 22444455 33005566 33666677 44227788 44888899 55550000 66111122 66772233 77333333
00..112255'''' 11222222 11552288 11883333 22113399 22444455 22775500 33005566 33336611 33666677
00..118877'''' 881155 11001199 11222222 11442266 11663300 11883333 22003377 22224411 22444455
00..225500'''' 661111 776644 991177 11007700 11222222 11337755 11552288 11668811 11883333
00..331122'''' 448899 661111 773333 885566 997788 11110000 11222222 11334455 11446677
00..337755'''' 440077 550099 661111 771133 881155 991177 11001199 11112200 11222222
00..443377'''' 334499 443377 552244 661111 669988 778866 887766 996600 11004488
00..550000'''' 330066 338822 445588 553355 661111 668888 776644 884400 991177
00..662255'''' 224444 330066 336677 442288 448899 555500 661111 667722 773333
00..7755'''' 220044 225555 330066 335577 440077 445588 550099 556600 661111
00..887755'''' 117755 221188 226622 330066 334499 339933 447733 448800 552244
11..00'''' 115533 119911 222299 226677 330066 334444 338822 442200 445588
11..112255'' 113366 117700 220044 223388 227722 330066 334400 337733 440077
11..2255'''' 112222 115533 118833 221144 224444 227755 330066 333366 336677
11..337755'''' 111111 113399 116677 119944 222222 225500 227788 330066 333333
11..55'''' 110022 112277 115533 117788 220044 222299 225555 22~~00 330066
11..662255'''' 9911 111188 114411 116655 118888 221122 223355 225599 228822
11..7755'''' 8877 110099 113311 115533 117755 119966 221188 224466 226622
11..887755'''' 8822 110022 112222 114433 116633 118833 220044 222244 224444
22..00'''' 7766 9966 111155 113344 115533 117722 119911 221100 222299
22..2255'''' 6688 8855 110022 111199 113366 115533 117700 118877 220044
22..55'''' 6611 7766 9922 110077 112222 113388 115533 116688 118833
22..7755'''' 5566 7700 8833 9977 111111 112255 113399 115533 116677
33..00'''' 5511 6644 7766 8899 110022 111155 112277 114400 115533
33..2255'''' 4477 5555 7711 8822 9944 110066 111188 112299 114411
33..55'''' 4444 5599 6666 7766 8877 9988 110099 112266 113311
33..7755'''' 4411 5511 6611 7711 8811 9922 110022 111122 112222
44..00'''' 3388 4488 5577 6677 7766 8866 9966 110055 111155
44..55'''' 3344 4422 5511 5599 6688 7766 8855 9933 110022
55..00'''' 3311 3388 4466 5544 6611 6699 7766 8844 9922
55..55'''' 2288 3355 4411 4499 5566 6633 7700 7766 8833
66..00'''' 2266 3322 3388 4455 5511 5577 6644 7700 7766
66..55'''' 2244 2299 3355 4422 4477 5533 5599 6655 7711
77..00'''' 2222 2277 3333 3388 4444 4499 5555 6600 6666
77..55'''' 2200 2266 3311 3366 4411 4466 5511 5566 6611
88..00'''' 1199 2244 2299 3333 3388 4433 4488 5533 5577
1'' diameter steel using 80 surface feet per minute should be run at 306 r.p.m. To cal-
culate r.p.m.s for diameters not listed here; multiply the surface feet per minute by the diameter of
the stock and divide by 4.