-16- G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe
FFiigguurree 2211..
Detail of tailstock controls.
TTaaiillssttoocckk CCoonnttrroollss
TTaaiillssttoocckk HHaannddwwhheeeell --
Turning the handwheel
advances or retracts the barrel in the tailstock.
The graduated scale on the handwheel is
LLoocckk LLeevveerr --
This lever locks the tailstock barrel
in place.
CCllaammppiinngg NNuutt --
The clamping nut locks the tail-
stock in place on the lathe bed.
AAddjjuussttmmeenntt SSeettssccrreewwss --
These setscrews are
used for aligning the tailstock to the spindle. This
is covered in the next section.
FFiigguurree 2200..
Single tool holder.
SSiinnggllee TTooooll HHoollddeerr --
A single-tool tool holder is
supplied with the Model G4000. A cutting tool
can be installed by tightening or loosening the
clamping bolt.
FFiigguurree 2200..
AAddjjuussttmmeenntt SSccrreewwss
CCllaammppiinngg NNuutt
LLoocckk LLeevveerr
FFiigguurree 1199..
Four-way tool post.
TTooooll ppoosstt --
A four-way tool post is supplied with
the Model G4000. Cutting tools can be attached
and removed by tightening or loosening the
clamping bolt.
FFiigguurree 1199..