CHAPTER 3 Managing the Database
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 73
❖ To export the syntax of an existing table to a log:
1 Select the table in the painter workspace.
2 Select Export Syntax from the Object menu or the pop-up menu.
If you selected a table and have more than one DBMS interface installed,
the DBMS dialog box displays. If you selected a view, DataWindow
Designer immediately exports the syntax to the log.
3 Select the DBMS to which you want to export the syntax.
4 If you selected ODBC, specify a data source in the Data Sources dialog
5 Supply any information you are prompted for.
DataWindow Designer exports the syntax to the log. Extended attribute
information (such as validation rules used) for the selected table is also
exported. The syntax is in the format required by the DBMS you selected.
For more information about the log, see “Logging your work” on page 59.
About system tables
Two kinds of system tables exist in the database:
• System tables provided by your DBMS (for more information, see your
DBMS documentation)
• DataWindow Designer extended attribute system tables
About DataWindow
Designer system
DataWindow Designer stores extended attribute information you provide when
you create or modify a table (such as the text to use for labels and headings for
the columns, validation rules, display formats, and edit styles) in system tables.
These system tables contain information about database tables and columns.
Extended attribute information extends database definitions.
In the
Employee table, for example, one column name is Emp_lname. A label
and a heading for the column are defined for DataWindow Designer to use in
DataWindow objects. The column label is defined as
Last Name:. The
column heading is defined as
Last Name. The label and heading are stored in
PBCatCol table in the extended attribute system tables.
The extended attribute system tables are maintained by DataWindow Designer,
and only DataWindow Designer users can enter information into them. Table
3-6 lists the extended attribute system tables. For more information, see
Appendix B, “The Extended Attribute System Tables.”