
Edit style types for the PBCatEdt table
464 DataWindow .NET
Range Character representation (in decimal) of spin control range. The min
value and max value are tab-delimited.
"1[tab]13" means min = 1, max = 13
SpinInc Character representation (in decimal) of spin increment.
Display1 Display value for first entry in code table.
Data1 Data value for first entry in code table.
Display2 Display value for second entry in code table.
Data2 Data value for second entry in code table.
Display and data values are repeated in pairs for each entry in the code
Flag 32-bit flag. Low-order four hex digits are generic edit type; high-order
four are styles within the type. A 1 in any bit indicates the corresponding
style is checked. A 0 in any bit indicates the corresponding style is
Bit 31: Required
Bit 30: Autoskip
Bit 29: Spin control
Bit 28: Read only (code table option)
Bit 27: Use code table
Bit 26: Not used (set to 0)
Bit 25: Not used (set to 0)
Bit 24: Not used (set to 0)
Bit 23 – 16 (2 hex digits): Not used (set to 0)
Bit 15 – 8 (2 hex digits): Always 0 for Edit Mask edit style
Bit 7: Always 0 for Edit Mask edit style
Bit 6: Always 0 for Edit Mask edit style
Bit 5: Always 1 for Edit Mask edit style
Bit 4: Always 0 for Edit Mask edit style
Bits 3 – 0 (1 hex digit): Always 0 for Edit Mask edit style
Value Meaning