Working with tables
70 DataWindow .NET
Cutting, copying, and pasting columns
In the Database painter, you can use the Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons in the
PainterBar (or Cut, Copy, and Paste from the Edit or pop-up menu) to cut, copy,
and paste one column at a time within a table or between tables.
❖ To cut or copy a column within a table:
1 Put the insertion point anywhere in the column you want to cut or copy.
2 Click the Cut or Copy button in the PainterBar.
❖ To paste a column within a table:
1 Put the insertion point in the column you want to paste to.
If you are changing an existing table, put the insertion point in the last
column of the table. If you try to insert a column between two columns,
you get an error message. To an existing table, you can only append a
column. If you are defining a new table, you can paste a column anywhere.
2 Click the Paste button in the PainterBar.
❖ To paste a column to a different table:
1 Open another instance of the Columns view and use Alter Table to display
an existing table or click New to create a new table.
2 Put the insertion point in the column you want to paste to.
3 Click the Paste button in the PainterBar.
Closing a table
You can remove a table from a view by selecting Close or Reset View from its
pop-up menu. This action only removes the table from the Database painter
view. It does not drop (remove) the table from the database.
Dropping a table
Dropping removes the table from the database.
❖ To drop a table:
1 Select Drop Table from the table's pop-up menu or select Object>Delete
from the menu bar.
2 Click Yes.