
Exporting to XML
400 DataWindow .NET
When you open a DataWindow, the Export/Import Template view displays the
template specified in the DataWindow’s Use Template property. (If the view is
not visible in the current layout, select View>Export/Import Template>XML
from the menu bar.) If the property has not been set, the first saved template
displays or, if there are no saved templates, the default structured template
displays as a basis for editing.
Template used when
When the DataWindow is saved as XML, DataWindow Designer uses the
template specified in the Use Template property. If the property has not been
set, DataWindow Designer uses the default template.
When you are working on a template, you might want to see the result of your
changes. The template specified in the Use Template property might not be the
template currently displayed in the Export/Import Template view, so you
should check the value of the Use template property to be sure you get the
results you expect.
To save to XML using the current template:
1 Right-click in the Export/Import template view and select Save or Save As
from the pop-up menu to save the current template.
2 On the Data Export page in the properties view, select the current template
from the Use Template drop-down list.
3 Select File>Save Rows As, select XML from the Files of Type drop-down
list, enter a file name, and click Save.
Generating group headers
To generate the contents of the header section iteratively for each group in a
group DataWindow, check the Iterate Header for Groups check box, or set the
Export.XML.HeadGroups DataWindow property. This property is on by