The Export/Import Template view for XML
384 DataWindow .NET
The Export/Import Template view for XML
You define and edit templates for export and import in the Export/Import
Template view for XML in the DataWindow painter. The view uses a tree view
to represent the template.
When you create a new DataWindow object, DataWindow Designer displays a
default template in the Export/Import Template view. You can edit only one
template at a time in the view, but you can create multiple templates and save
them with the DataWindow object. Each template is uniquely associated with
the DataWindow object open in the painter.
The default template has one element for each column in the DataWindow
Creating, opening,
and saving templates
From the pop-up menu for the Export/Import Template view (with nothing
selected), you can create new templates with or without default contents, open
an existing template, save the current template, or delete the current template.
You can only open and edit templates that are associated with the current
DataWindow object.
Representing tree
view items
Each item in the template displays as a single tree view item with an image and
font color that denotes its type. Elements are represented by a yellow icon that
resembles a luggage tag. The end tags of elements and the markup delimiters
used in an XML document do not display.
Table 14-1 shows the icons used in the Export/Import Template view.