
Modifying properties conditionally at runtime
294 DataWindow .NET
You can use underlines, italics, strikethrough, borders, and colors to
highlight information.
Example 4: changing the size and location of controls
The following DataWindow object shows city and state columns enclosed in a
rectangle and underlined. The columns change location if the current row
contains data for a customer from the state of New York. The rectangle and the
line change both location and size.
This example shows how to move the rectangle and line. The process for
columns is similar.
In the Design view, the rectangle and line display in one location, with a single
set of dimensions. The expressions you specify are used only in Preview view
and at runtime and all have the following syntax:
If ( state='NY', true value, false value )
The false value is the same as the value in Design view. All of the values used
in this example are in PowerBuilder Units (PBUs), the default unit of measure
used for the DataWindow object.