Working with tables
68 DataWindow .NET
Specifying a column
as a picture
You can specify that a character column can contain names of picture files.
❖ To specify that column values are names of picture files:
1 On the Display property page, select the Picture check box.
When the Picture check box is selected, DataWindow Designer expects to
find picture file names in the column and displays the contents of the
picture file—not the name of the file—in reports and DataWindow
Because DataWindow Designer cannot determine the size of the image
until runtime, it sets both display height and display width to 0 when you
select the Picture check box.
2 Enter the size and the justification for the picture (optional).
Altering a table
After a table is created, how you can alter the table depends on your DBMS.
You can always:
• Add or modify DataWindow Designer-specific extended attributes for
• Delete an index and create a new index
You can never:
• Insert a column between two existing columns
• Prohibit null values for an appended column
• Alter an existing index
Some DBMSs let you do the following, but others do not:
• Append columns that allow null values
• Increase or decrease the number of characters allowed for data in an
existing column
• Allow null values
• Prohibit null values in a column that allowed null values