
478 DataWindow .NET
about 21
adding custom buttons to 25
controlling display of 22
displaying available buttons 24
using 6
assigning text in custom buttons 27
using 6
presentation styles
of DataWindow objects 101
using Crosstab 333
using Graph 439
using Group 272
for crosstabs 344
retrieving rows 159
Preview view
in DataWindow painter 158
modifying data 161
primary keys
about 75
defining 76
displaying in Database painter 75
identifying updatable rows 193
joining tables 84, 126
modifying 79
opening related tables 76
Print Preview
about 163
command 163
print specifications, reports 174
data, using Print Preview 163
DataWindow objects 165
in Data Manipulation painter 91
processing instructions in XML template 398
about 285
example, gray bar 290
example, highlighting rows 292
example, rotating controls 291
example, size and location 294
modifying controls 289
specifying colors 314
using expressions 287
Properties view
about 20
for graphs 426
in DataWindow painter 155
property conditional expressions 286, 354
property sheets
about 20
arrangement of tabs 20
buttons 20
displaying 20
property values
about 295
background.color 297
border 298
brush.color 299
brush.hatch 300
color 301
font.escapement 302
font.height 303, 307
font.italic 304
font.strikethrough 305
font.underline 306
font.weight 306
format 307
pen.color 308
pen.style 308
pen.width 310
pointer 310
protect 311
specifying colors 314
supplying in conditional expressions 295
Timer_Interval 311
visible 311
width 312
x 312
x1, x2 313
y 313
y1, y2 314
Protect property 311
PSR files, creating 168