
Placing a nested report in another report
322 DataWindow .NET
Select Design>Data Source to go to the Select painter.
Select Design>Retrieval Arguments from the menu bar in the Select
Define a retrieval argument in the Specify Retrieval Arguments
dialog box. In the example, customerID is the name assigned to the
retrieval argument.
3 Specify the retrieval argument in a
WHERE clause for the SELECT
The WHERE clause in this example tells the DBMS to retrieve rows
where the value in the column
cust_id equals the value of the argument
At this point, when you run the report to retrieve data, you are prompted
to enter a value for :customerid. Later in these steps, you will specify that
the base report supply the values for :customerid instead of prompting for
4 Open or create the report you want to have as the base report.
In the example, the base report is one that lists customers and has a place
for the order history of each customer: