
Starting DataWindow Designer from the command line
466 DataWindow .NET
Opening an object or
creating a new object
You can also add one or more of the following optional switches to the
command line to open a specific object or create a new one.
{/L libraryname} {/O objectname} {/N} {/R} {/RO} {/A arguments}
All of these switches must follow /P paintername, as shown in the examples
after the tables.
Table 15-15: DataWindow Designer command-line switches
Table C-1: DataWindow Designer command-line parameters
The following examples use dd20 to represent the directory where
DataWindow Designer is installed.
Enter this command to start DataWindow Designer and open the Database
dd20\dw105.exe /P datab
Enter this command to start DataWindow Designer and open the DataWindow
object called
d_emp_report in the library master.pbl:
dd20\dw105.exe /P dataw /L master.pbl /O d_emp_report
Switch Description
/L Identifies the library that contains the object you want to open
/O Identifies the DataWindow object that you want to open
/N Creates a new DataWindow object
/R Runs the DataWindow object specified with /O and allows designing
/RO Runs the DataWindow object specified with /O but does not allow
/A Provides retrieval arguments for the DataWindow object specified with /O
Parameter Description
libraryname The name of the library that contains the object you want to open.
objectname The name of the object you want to open.
arguments For a DataWindow object, retrieval arguments for the specified
DataWindow object. Arguments must be in the correct order,
separated by semicolons (;). Array argument values must be
separated by commas (,). Decimal arrays are not supported.