PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 849
Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches
• <address> - The IP address of the DHCP server
This command assigns an IP address to the selected DHCP server.
Configure the boot image
The bootfile command specifies a boot image name to be used by the DHCP client.
PowerConnect(config-dhcp-cabo)# bootfile foxhound
In this example, the DHCP client should use the boot image called “foxhound”.
Syntax: bootfile <name>
Deploy an address pool configuration to the server
The deploy command sends an address pool configuration to the DHCP server.
PowerConnect(config-dhcp-cabo)# deploy
Syntax: deploy
Specify default routers available to the client
The dhcp-default-router command specifies the ip addresses of the default routers for a client.
Syntax: dhcp-default-router <address> [<address>, <address>]
Specify DNS servers available to the client
The dns-server command specifies DNS servers that are available to DHCP clients.
PowerConnect(config-dhcp-cabo)# dns-server,
Syntax: dns-server <address> [<address>. <address>]
Configure the domain name for the client
The domain-name command configures the domain name for the client.
PowerConnect(config-dhcp-cabo)# domain-name sierra
Syntax: domain-name <domain>
Configure the lease duration for the address pool
The lease command specifies the lease duration for the address pool. The default is a one-day
PowerConnect(config-dhcp-cabo)# lease 1 4 32
In this example, the lease duration has been set to one day, four hours, and 32 minutes. You can
set a lease duration for just days, just hours, or just minutes, or any combination of the three.
Syntax: lease <days> <hours> <minutes>