PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 605
Selecting the QoS queuing method
By default, Dell PowerConnect devices use the WRR method of packet prioritization. To change the
method to strict priority, enter the following command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
PowerConnect(config)#qos mechanism strict
To change the method back to weighted round robin, enter the following command.
PowerConnect(config)#qos mechanism weighted
Syntax: [no] qos mechanism strict | weighted
To change the queuing mechanism to the combined SP and WRR method, enter the following
command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
PowerConnect(config)#qos mechanism mixed-sp-wrr
Syntax: qos mechanism mixed-sp-wrr
Configuring the QoS queues
Each of the queues has the following configurable parameters:
• The queue name
• The minimum percentage of a port outbound bandwidth guaranteed to the queue
Renaming the queues
The default queue names are qosp7, qosp6, qosp5, qosp4, qosp3, qosp2, qosp1, and qosp0. You
can change one or more of the names if desired.
To rename queue “qosp3” to “92-octane”, enter the following command.
PowerConnect(config)#qos name qosp3 92-octane
Syntax: qos name <old-name> <new-name>
The <old-name> variable specifies the name of the queue before the change.
The <new-name> variable specifies the new name of the queue. You can specify an alphanumeric
string up to 32 characters long.
Changing the minimum bandwidth percentages of the WRR queues
If you are using the weighted round robin mechanism instead of the strict priority mechanism, you
can change the weights for each queue by changing the minimum percentage of bandwidth you
want each queue to guarantee for its traffic.
By default, the eight QoS queues on PowerConnect devices receive the minimum guaranteed
percentages of a port total bandwidth, as shown in Table 103. Note that the defaults differ when
jumbo frames are enabled.