PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 607
The <percentage> variable specifies a number for the percentage of the device outbound
bandwidth that is allocated to the queue. Dell QoS queues require a minimum bandwidth
percentage of 3 percent for each priority. When jumbo frames are enabled, the minimum
bandwidth requirement is 8 percent. If these minimum values are not met, QoS may not be
Configuration notes
• The total of the percentages you enter must equal 100.
• PowerConnect devices do not adjust the bandwidth percentages you enter. BigIron QoS does
adjust the bandwidth percentages to ensure that each queue has at least its required
minimum bandwidth percentage.
On PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, you can use QoS queue 1 for priority traffic, even when
sFlow is enabled on the port.
Bandwidth allocations of the hybrid WRR and SP queues.
To change the default bandwidth percentages for the queues when the device is configured to use
the combined SP and WRR queuing mechanism, enter commands such as the following. Note that
this example uses the default queue names.
PowerConnect(config)#qos profile qosp7 sp qosp6 sp qosp5 20 qosp4 16 qosp3 16
qosp2 16 qosp1 16 qosp0 16
Syntax: [no] qos profile <queue 7> sp <queue 6> sp | <percentage> <queue 5> <percentage>
<queue 4> <percentage> <queue 3> <percentage> <queue 2> <percentage> <queue 1>
<percentage> <queue 0> <percentage>]
Each <queue x> variable specifies the name of a queue. You can specify the queues in any order
on the command line, but you must specify each queue. Note that queue 7 supports strict priority
only, queue 6 supports both the strict priority and WRR queuing mechanisms, and queues 0
through 5 support the WRR queuing mechanism only.
Stackable devices that are operating as members of a stack reserve queue 7 for stacking functions.
The sp parameter configures strict priority as the queuing mechanism. Note that only queue 7 and
queue 6 support this method.
The <percentage> variable configures WRR as the queuing mechanism and specifies the
percentage of the device outbound bandwidth allocated to the queue. The queues require a
minimum bandwidth percentage of 3 percent for each priority. When jumbo frames are enabled,
the minimum bandwidth requirement is 8 percent. If these minimum values are not met, QoS may
not be accurate.
The percentages must add up to 100. The Dell PowerConnect devices do not adjust the bandwidth
percentages you enter. In contrast, the BigIron QoS does adjust the bandwidth percentages to
ensure that each queue has at least its required minimum bandwidth percentage.