PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 409
Displaying trunk group configuration information
The show trunk command does not display any form of trunk when links are up.
Table 73 describes the information displayed by the show trunk command.
Viewing the first and last ports in a trunk group
Output for many of the show commands will show the first and last port in a trunk as
FirstPort-LastPort, if the ports are consecutive, and FirstPort*LastPort if the ports are not
With the configuration above, output from the show mac command resembles the following, which
shows the first and last ports.
TABLE 73 CLI trunk group information
This field... Displays...
Trunk ID The trunk group number. The software numbers the groups in the display to make the
display easy to use.
HW Trunk ID The trunk ID.
Duplex The mode of the port, which can be one of the following:
• None – The link on the primary trunk port is down.
• Full – The primary port is running in full-duplex.
• Half – The primary port is running in half-duplex.
NOTE: This field and the following fields apply only to operational trunk groups.
Speed The speed set for the port. The value can be one of the following:
• None – The link on the primary trunk port is down.
• 10 – The port speed is 10 Mbps.
• 100 – The port speed is 100 Mbps.
• IG – The port speed is 1000 Mbps.
Tag Indicates whether the ports have 802.1Q VLAN tagging. The value can be Yes or No.
Priority Indicates the Quality of Service (QoS) priority of the ports. The priority can be a value
from 0 – 7.
Active Ports The number of ports in the trunk group that are currently active.
Ports The ports in the trunk group.
Link_Status The link status or each port in the trunk group.
LACP_Status For more information about this feature, refer to the section “Displaying and
determining the status of aggregate links” on page 421:
• Ready - The port is functioning normally in the trunk group and is able to transmit
and receive LACP packets.
• Expired - The time has expired (as determined by timeout values) and the port has
shut down because the port on the other side of the link has stopped transmitting
• Down - The port physical link is down.
Load Sharing The number of traffic flows currently being load balanced on the trunk ports. All traffic
exchanged within the flow is forwarded on the same trunk port. For information about
trunk load sharing, refer to “Trunk group load sharing” on page 398.