PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 29
Configuring basic system parameters
Syntax: show rate-limit unknown-unicast
Use the show rate-limit broadcast command to display the broadcast limit or broadcast and
multicast limit for each port to which it applies.
Syntax: show rate-limit broadcast
Configuring CLI banners
Dell PowerConnect devices can be configured to display a greeting message on users’ terminals
when they enter the Privileged EXEC CLI level or access the device through Telnet. In addition, a
Dell PowerConnect device can display a message on the Console when an incoming Telnet CLI
session is detected.
Setting a message of the day banner
You can configure the Dell PowerConnect device to display a message on a user terminal when he
or she establishes a Telnet CLI session. For example, to display the message “Welcome to
PowerConnect!” when a Telnet CLI session is established.
PowerConnect(config)# banner motd $ (Press Return)
Enter TEXT message, End with the character '$'.
Welcome to PowerConnect!! $
A delimiting character is established on the first line of the banner motd command. You begin and
end the message with this delimiting character. The delimiting character can be any character
except “ (double-quotation mark) and cannot appear in the banner text. In this example, the
delimiting character is $ (dollar sign). The text in between the dollar signs is the contents of the
banner. The banner text can be up to 4000 characters long, which can consist of multiple lines.
Syntax: [no] banner motd <delimiting-character>
To remove the banner, enter the no banner motd command.
The banner <delimiting-character> command is equivalent to the banner motd
<delimiting-character> command.
When you access the Web Management Interface, the banner is displayed.
PowerConnect# show rate-limit broadcast
Broadcast/Multicast Limit Settings:
Port Limit Packets/Bytes Packet Type(s)
4 1245184 Bytes Broadcast + Multicast
5 1245184 Bytes Broadcast + Multicast
14 65536 Packets Broadcast only
23 131072 Packets Broadcast + Multicast