PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 101
Building an IronStack
1. Use the secure-setup utility to form your stack. Secure-setup gives you control over the design
of your stack topology and provides security through password verification. For the
secure-setup procedure, refer to “Scenario 1 - Configuring a three-member IronStack in a ring
topology using secure-setup” on page 101.
2. Automatic stack configuration. With this method, you enter all configuration information,
including the module type and the priorities of all members into the unit you decide will be the
Active Controller and set its priority to be the highest. When you enable stacking on the Active
Controller the stack then forms automatically. This method requires that you start with clean
units (except for the Active Controller) that do not contain startup or run time configurations.
Refer to “Scenario 2 - Configuring a three-member IronStack in a ring topology using the
automatic setup process” on page 105.
3. Manual stack configuration. With this method, you configure every unit individually, and enable
stacking on each unit. Once the units are connected together, they will automatically operate
as an IronStack. With this method the unit with the highest priority becomes the Active
Controller, and ID assignment is determined by the sequence in which you physically connect
the units. Refer to “Scenario 3 - Configuring a three-member IronStack in a ring topology using
the manual configuration process” on page 108.
Configuration notes
Before you configure your IronStack, consider the following guidelines:
• Consider the number of units, and the mix of units your stack will contain, and how the
stacking ports on the units will be connected. For more information about PowerConnect
B-Series FCX devices, refer to the PowerConnect B-FCX Switch Hardware Installation Guide.
• The stack should be physically cabled in a linear or ring topology. Connect only those units that
will be active in the stack.
• When you have a full stack of 8 units, you may need to increase the trap hold time from the
default, which is 60 seconds, to five minutes (300 seconds). This will prevent the loss of initial
boot traps. To increase the trap hold time, use the following command.
PowerConnect# snmp-server enable traps hold 300
Syntax: snmp-server enable traps hold <seconds>
The router image requires more time to boot than the switch image.
Scenario 1 - Configuring a three-member IronStack
in a ring topology using secure-setup
.For more detailed information about configuring an PowerConnect B-FCX IronStack, see
“Configuring an FCX IronStack” on page 109.
This scenario describes how to build an IronStack using the secure-setup utility. Secure-setup lets
you easily configure your entire stack through the Active Controller, which propagates the
configuration to all stack members. Secure-setup is the most secure way to build an IronStack, and
gives you the most control over how your stack is built. For example, secure-setup offers three
security features that prevent unauthorized devices from accessing or joining an IronStack: