PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 445
Routing between VLANs
does not change the properties of the default VLAN. Changing the name allows you to use the VLAN
ID “1” as a configurable VLAN.
Assigning different VLAN IDs to reserved VLANs
4091 and 4092
If you want to use VLANs 4091 and 4092 as configurable VLANs, you can assign them to different
For example, to reassign reserved VLAN 4091 to VLAN 10, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)# reserved-vlan-map vlan 4091 new-vlan 10
Reload required. Please write memory and then reload or power cycle.
PowerConnect(config)# write mem
PowerConnect(config)# exit
PowerConnect# reload
You must save the configuration (write mem) and reload the software to place the change into effect.
The above configuration changes the VLAN ID of 4091 to 10. After saving the configuration and
reloading the software, you can configure VLAN 4091 as you would any other VLAN.
Syntax: [no] reserved-vlan-map vlan 4091 | 4092 new-vlan <vlan-id>
For <vlan-id>, enter a valid VLAN ID that is not already in use. For example, if you have already
defined VLAN 20, do not try to use “20 as the new VLAN ID. Valid VLAN IDs are numbers from 1 –
4090, 4093, and 4095. VLAN ID 4094 is reserved for use by the Single Spanning Tree feature.
Viewing reassigned VLAN IDs for reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092
To view the assigned VLAN IDs for reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092, use the show
reserved-vlan-map command. The reassigned VLAN IDs also display in the output of the show
running-config and show config commands.
The following shows example output for the show reserved-vlan-map command.
Syntax: show reserved-vlan-map
The following table defines the fields in the output of the show reserved-vlan-map command.
TABLE 77 Output of the show reserved-vlan-map command
This field Displays
Reserved Purpose Describes for what the VLAN is reserved. Note that the description is for
Dell internal VLAN management.
Default The default VLAN ID of the reserved VLAN.
PowerConnect # show reserved-vlan-map
Reserved Purpose Default Re-assign Current
CPU VLAN 4091 10 10
All Ports VLAN 4092 33 33