PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1399
Syslog messages
Informational Security: telnet | SSH logout by <username>
from src IP <ip-address>, src MAC
<mac-address> to USER | PRIVILEGE EXEC
The specified user logged out of the device.
The user was using Telnet or SSH to access
the device from either or both the specified
IP address and MAC address. The user
logged out of the specified EXEC mode.
Informational SNMP read-only community | read-write
community | contact | location | user |
group | view | engineld | trap [host] [<value
-str>] deleted | added | modified from
console | telnet | ssh | web | snmp session
A user made SNMP configuration changes
through the Web, SNMP, console, SSH, or
Telnet session.
[<value-str>] does not appear in the
message if SNMP community or engineld is
Informational SNMP Auth. failure, intruder IP: <ip-addr> A user has tried to open a management
session with the device using an invalid
SNMP community string.
The <ip-addr> is the IP address of the host
that sent the invalid community string.
Informational SSH | telnet server enabled | disabled from
console | telnet | ssh | web | snmp session
[by user <username>]
A user enabled or disabled an SSH or Telnet
session, or changed the SSH
enable/disable configuration through the
Web, SNMP, console, SSH, or Telnet
Informational startup-config was changed
startup-config was changed by <user-name>
A configuration change was saved to the
startup-config file.
The <user-name> is the user ID, if they
entered a user ID to log in.
Informational STP: Root Guard Port <port-number>, VLAN
<vlan-ID> consistent (Timeout).
Root guard unblocks a port.
Informational STP: Root Guard Port <port-number>, VLAN
<vlan-ID> inconsistent (Received superior
Root guard blocked a port.
Informational STP: VLAN <vlan id> BPDU-Guard on Port
<port id> triggered (Received BPDU), putting
into err-disable state
The BPDU guard feature has detected an
incoming BPDU on {vlan-id, port-id}
Informational STP: VLAN <vlan id> Root-Protect Port <port
id>, Consistent (Timeout)
The root protect feature goes back to the
consistent state.
Informational STP: VLAN <vlan id> Root-Protect Port <port
id>, Inconsistent (Received superior BPDU)
The root protect feature has detected a
superior BPDU and goes into the
inconsistent state on {vlan-id, port-id}.
Informational STP: VLAN <vlan-id> BPDU-guard port
<port-number> detect (Received BPDU),
putting into err-disable state
STP placed a port into an errdisable state
for BPDU guard.
Informational STP: VLAN 1 BPDU-guard port
<port-number> detect (Received BPDU),
putting into err-disable state.
BPDU guard violation in occurred in STP or
TABLE 239 Syslog messages (Continued)
Message level Message Explanation